FOIA Library Documents

Title / Description


  • Department
    Virginia Commonwealth University Police
    "Engaging in prohibited speech, as noted herein, may provide grounds for undermining or impeaching an officer’s testimony in criminal proceedings. Department employees thus sanctioned are subject to discipline up to and including termination."
  • Department
    Virginia Commonwealth University Police
    "Any recording which depicts a discharge of a firearm by an officer, or serious injury or death of any person, will not be shown to requester without prior approval of the Chief of Police."
  • Department
    Virginia Commonwealth University Police
    Tha VCU Police Department's RMS (Record Management System) includes information shared with and by the Richmond Police Department, including "RMS Alerts." Richmond residents can be flagged with these police internal "alerts" for a variety of reasons. (The interagency system is also shared with the Commonwealth's Attorney.) RMS Alert categories an individual may be assigned include, for example, "Assaulted Police Officer," "History of Resisting Arrest," "Mentally Unstable," "Narcotics Seller/User," "Probably Armed," "TEZ (Target Enforcement Zones)," "4th Amendment Rights Waiver," "Broad Street Corridor Ban," "Truancy Repeater," and "Banned from Public Parks" among others. This policy document from VCU Police Department's General Orders Manual provides a cursory overview of these alert types.