General Information

Name Jefferey Rashawn Brown
OpenOversight ID 24315
Unique Internal Identifier 377231435726956
Department Virginia Department of Corrections
Race Data Missing
Gender Data Missing
Birth Year (Age) Data Missing
First Employment Date None
Number of known incidents 0
Currently on the force Yes

Assignment History

Department Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Virginia Department of Corrections Security Officer III Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women 2023-02-10
Virginia Department of Corrections Security Officer III Pocahontas State Correctional Center 2022-11-10
Virginia Department of Corrections Compliance/Safety Officer III Pocahontas Correctional Center (DOC Division of Institutions) 2020-06-25
Virginia Department of Corrections Security Officer III River North Correctional Center 2020-02-25
Virginia Department of Corrections Security Manager II Cold Springs Community Corrections Alternative Program (CCAP) 2020-01-10
Virginia Department of Corrections Security Manager II Marion Correctional Center (DOC Employee Relations and Training) 2019-01-10
Virginia Department of Corrections Security Officer IV Greensville Correctional Center 2017-04-17
Virginia Department of Corrections Security Manager I Buckingham Correctional Center 2015-06-01
Virginia Department of Corrections Security Manager I State Farm Prison Complex 2015-04-02
Virginia Department of Corrections Trainer and Instructor III Academy For Staff Development - East (DOC Employee Relations and Training) 2012-01-25
Virginia Department of Corrections Sergeant BUCC Unknown


Annual Salary Overtime & Other Pay Total Pay Year
$59,011.71 $2,694.16 $61,705.87 FY2023
$14,638.32 $2,000.00 $16,638.32 FY2023
$59,011.71 $2,694.16 $61,705.87 FY2023
$51,862.26 $31,433.63 $83,295.89 FY2023
$49,338.44 $11,548.96 $60,887.40 FY2023
$66,415.72 $4,395.35 $70,811.07 FY2023
$51,453.16 $50,496.87 $101,950.03 FY2023
$44,568.50 $3,009.60 $47,578.10 FY2023
$24,500.00 $2,856.37 $27,356.37 FY2023
$42,647.00 $23,957.50 $66,604.50 FY2023