General Information

Name Rebecca E. Cole
OpenOversight ID 24742
Unique Internal Identifier 649731341661092
Department Virginia Department of Corrections
Race Data Missing
Gender Data Missing
Birth Year (Age) Data Missing
First Employment Date None
Number of known incidents 0
Currently on the force Yes

Assignment History

Department Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Virginia Department of Corrections Security Officer III Coffeewood Correctional Center 2021-10-25
Virginia Department of Corrections Security Manager I Wise Correctional Unit (Past: Western Region Correctional Field Units) 2004-06-10
Virginia Department of Corrections Sergeant WCU18 Unknown


Annual Salary Overtime & Other Pay Total Pay Year
$55,945.74 $32,916.83 $88,862.57 FY2023
$42,618.50 $27,680.78 $70,299.28 FY2023