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Incident Brandon Lemagne Shooting

Date May 11, 2023
Time 04:06 PM
Report # Brandon Lemagne Shooting
Department Fairfax County Police
Officers Kenyatta Lavon Momon , Christopher Charles Grubb
Address 6300 block of Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA
Tags Northern Virginia  | Police Shootings  | Police Shootings in 2023  | Fairfax County Police  |

Incident Description

On May 11, 2023, at 4:06 p.m., 38-year-old Brandon Lemagne passed a license plate reader which alerted officers to a stolen U-Haul in the area. An officer saw the U-Haul in the 6300 block of Richmond Highway, in the Alexandria section of Fairfax County. Lemagne pulled the U-Haul into the gas station parking lot, exited the vehicle then walked away. The officer can be seen on surveillance footage speaking with Lemagne then the two walk towards the officer’s cruiser. The officer told Lemagne he was going to be detained for driving the stolen U-Haul. Lemagne then fought the officer. He grabbed the officer’s firearm and tried to remove it from the holster. Two other officers arrived on scene. One officer discharged his firearm as Lemagne remained on top of the officer inside the cruiser. A second officer arrived on scene and attempted to remove Lemagne off the officer. He was able to pull Lemagne off the officer and out of the cruiser. The officer then discharged his firearm. Lemagne was struck in the upper body. He was declared deceased at the scene.

