
Portsmouth Police

    Incident Rawls-v-City-of-Portsmouth-224-cv-00386

    Date Jul 09, 2024
    Report # Rawls-v-City-of-Portsmouth-224-cv-00386
    Department Portsmouth Police
    Officers Blake Fritzman
    Address Portsmouth, VA

    Incident Mario-Hunter-UOF

    Date Oct 13, 2022
    Time 01:30 AM
    Report # Mario-Hunter-UOF
    Department Portsmouth Police
    Officers Mario B. Hunter

    Detective Hunter assaulted a man lying on the ground and had to be physically restrained by other officers. He was suspended without pay pending a use of force investigation for his conduct.

    Address George Washington Highway
    Portsmouth, VA

    Incident Louise-Lucas-Lawsuit

    Date Jun 28, 2021
    Time 12:00 PM
    Report # Louise-Lucas-Lawsuit
    Department Portsmouth Police
    Officers Kevin Mcgee

    Senator Louise Lucas files a $6.75 million lawsuit against Sergeant Kevin McGee and Chief Angela Greene after controversy when McGee slaps her with "injury to monument" charges under an antiquated law and assaulted, then arrested her during the George Floyd Uprising on June 10, 2020. After the event, McGee drafted a heated email about events that he sent to the department.

    Address Portsmouth, VA

    Incident PROTEST-portsmouth-01

    Date Jun 11, 2020
    Time 11:38 PM
    Report # PROTEST-portsmouth-01
    Department Portsmouth Police
    Officers Kevin Mcgee

    Sergeant Kevin McGee sparked a series of controversial events by authoring a heated letter about events at a 2020 monument protest the day earlier, slamming politicians and protesters alike. He sent the letter to the mayor, the then-chief, and others at 11:38 PM in the evening.

    Address Portsmouth, VA

    Incident 226

    Date Oct 29, 2017
    Department Portsmouth Police
    Officers Jeremy Durocher

    Officer Jeremy Durocher shot Deontrace Ward, 18, in the back. Ward was a burglary suspect who was fleeing.

    Address 1100 Tatem Avenue
    Portsmouth , VA

    Incident 0482-17-1

    Date Apr 05, 2016
    Time 03:00 PM
    Report # 0482-17-1
    Department Portsmouth Police
    Officers Mario B. Hunter

    Portsmouth Police violently arrest a man sitting in his car.

    "So viewed, the evidence established that on the afternoon of April 5, 2016, Detectives Hunter and Whitson of the Portsmouth Police Department were 'investigating some narcotics complaints' in the 600 block of Newport Avenue in the City of Portsmouth. Detective Hunter had been assigned to a unit specializing in narcotics transactions for two-and-a-half years of his seven years on the police force. Detective Whitson, a twenty-one-year employee of the police department, had been with the narcotics unit for four years.

    The detectives observed the appellant sitting alone in a black Lexus, leaning back in the driver's seat and '[not] moving around.' The vehicle was parked in front of a fence that bordered a 'shop of some sort.' The detectives drove their unmarked police car past the Lexus and executed a U-turn, without activating their lights or siren. As the detectives again approached the Lexus in their car, the appellant looked in their direction. The detectives parked approximately twenty-five feet away and watched the appellant's car for 'a minute or so.'

    ....The detectives, who were wearing police vests and patches, exited their car and started walking toward the Lexus. The appellant again looked in their direction...

    [T]he detectives verbally identified themselves as police officers and demanded that Hill show his hands. After shouting at appellant... to show his hands, the detectives grabbed his left forearm, physically removed him from the vehicle, and placed him in handcuffs."

    Address 600 block of Newport Avenue
    Portsmouth, VA

    Incident PPD-01

    Date Mar 24, 2015
    Time 02:25 PM
    Report # PPD-01
    Department Portsmouth Police
    Officers Mario B. Hunter

    Virginia State Police and Portsmouth Police officers R. Agular, M. Hunter, J. Whitson, G. Smith, N. Hawes, T. Thursby, S. Daugherty, and M. Rotolo shot and killed Walter J. Brown III on March 24, 2015.

    Address Colin Drive
    Portsmouth, VA