General Information

Name Harley L. Guenther
OpenOversight ID 41258
Unique Internal Identifier 427667769574527
Department Arlington County Police
Race White
Gender Female
Birth Year (Age) 1995 (~29 y/o)
First Employment Date 2016-12-01
Number of known incidents 1
Currently on the force Yes
Tags Lawsuit, Arlington County Police, Excessive Force, Police Brutality, Civil Rights Violation, White, Woman

Assignment History

Department Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Arlington County Police Corporal 1640 Community Engagement Unit 2016-12-01
Arlington County Police Police Corporal Unknown


Annual Salary Overtime & Other Pay Total Pay Year
$87,320.08 $1,733.59 $89,053.67 FY2023


Incident 123-cv-00601-RDA-WEF

Date May 04, 2023
Report # 123-cv-00601-RDA-WEF
Department Alexandria Police
Officers Tyler W. Duncan , Joel M. Davis , John R. Donaggio , Jason D. Pardee , Alex S. Freiert , Harley L. Guenther
Address Wilson Boulevard near North Oakland Street
Alexandria, VA
