General Information

Name Christopher Keith Davidson
OpenOversight ID 78508
Department Decertified, Dismissed, & Wandering Ex-Police
Race Not Sure
Gender Male
Birth Year (Age) 1969 (~56 y/o)
First Employment Date None
Number of known incidents 2
Currently on the force Yes

Assignment History

Department Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Decertified, Dismissed, & Wandering Ex-Police Decertified by CJSB 2020-09-29
Decertified, Dismissed, & Wandering Ex-Police Officer Scott County Sheriff's Office Unknown


Incident Reinstatement-Appeals-Dec-2020

Date Dec 17, 2020
Time 11:00 AM
Report # Reinstatement-Appeals-Dec-2020
Department Decertified, Dismissed, & Wandering Ex-Police
Officers Christopher Keith Davidson

In a meeting on Dec. 17, 2020, the Criminal Justice Services Board (CJSB) Executive Committee heard appeals from officers decertified for their alleged participation in a scam perpetrated by fellow ex-officer Jeffrey Spicer. Spicer, a former Scott County Sheriff's Office Deputy, had allegedly been completing online training courses on behalf of his colleagues in exchange for money.

Steve W. Smith, Christopher K. Davidson, and Terry Sivert were all accused of utilizing Spicer's "services" and thereby failing to maintain compliance with training requirements. The particulars of each officer's offenses are alluded to in the meeting minutes.

Only Smith was successful in his appeal. The Committee voted to reinstate Smith's certification as a law enforcement officer (although the vote was not unanimous). It voted to uphold its ruling to decertify Davidson and Sivert.

Address 1100 Bank Street
Richmond, VA

Incident Davidson-Decertification

Date Sep 29, 2020
Report # Davidson-Decertification
Department Decertified, Dismissed, & Wandering Ex-Police
Officers Christopher Keith Davidson

"Davidson stated that he was short six training hours in 2011 and was told to make them up online. Not proficient on computers, he asked Mr. Spicer to assist him but stated that Spicer only helped him log in and out of the computer. Special Agent McClanahan stated that Davidson told him that Spicer completed six hours of his training in 2011 and took classes for him in 2013, but that he did not pay him." —Dec. 17, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Decertification Cause: Failed to comply or maintain compliance with mandated training requirements.

Address Scott County, VA