General Information

Name George G. Rathore
OpenOversight ID 90236
Unique Internal Identifier b981972f-f99a-45ec-baf6-770955481d59
Department Strasburg Police
Race Data Missing
Gender Data Missing
Birth Year (Age) Data Missing
First Employment Date None
Number of known incidents 1
Currently on the force Yes

Assignment History

Department Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Strasburg Police Not Sure Unknown


Annual Salary Overtime & Other Pay Total Pay Year
$49,625.96 FY2023


Incident Shooting of Melissa Tompkins

Date Dec 17, 2023
Time 10:33 PM
Report # Shooting of Melissa Tompkins
Department Strasburg Police
Officers George G. Rathore , Bianca M. Hager

On December 17, 2023 at roughly 22:33, "Officer G. G. Rathore and Officer B. M. Hager arrived at the Ramada Inn located at 21 Signal Knob Drive in reference to a disorderly female who was said to be behind of the front desk without permission, throwing cans of soda in the lobby area of the business, and running through the hallways carrying a fire extinguisher."

At some point, Office Rathore encountered Melissa Renee Tompkins in the rear parking lot of the hotel, where she allegedly "grabbed his baton and used it to hit him in the head". Rathore shot Tompkins multiple times.

Tompkins was taken to Winchester Medical Center where she died of her injuries. Rathore was treated at Shenandoah Memorial Hospital and released.

Address Strasburg, VA