General Information

Name Alexander Varaklis
OpenOversight ID 41177
Unique Internal Identifier 073965689825251
Department Arlington County Police
Race Data Missing
Gender Data Missing
Birth Year (Age) Data Missing
First Employment Date None
Number of known incidents 1
Currently on the force Yes

Assignment History

Department Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Arlington County Police Corporal Unknown Unknown
Arlington County Police Police Corporal Unknown


Annual Salary Overtime & Other Pay Total Pay Year
$133,984.19 $76,207.93 $210,192.12 FY2023


Incident Best-v-Farr

Date Apr 18, 2023
Report # Best-v-Farr
Department Arlington County Police
Officers Ryan P. Reese , Christopher R. Mcclaugherty , Alexander Varaklis , Dan M. Russo

A legal filing submitted to the Virginia Court of Appeals named Arlington County Chief of Police M. Jay Farr and police officers Stephen Clark, Ryan Reese, Christopher McClaugherty, Alexander Varaklis, Jenna Bartholomew, and unidentified "John Does."

The memorandum opinion issued April 18, 2023 by the Virginia Court of Appeals explains:

"The complaint alleged that appellees were jointly and severally liable for gross negligence (Count I), willful, wanton, and reckless negligence (Count II), battery (Count III), and separately that Chief Farr was liable for grossly negligent supervision of the police operation carried out by his officers (Count IV)."

Address Arlington County, VA