General Information

Name Todd Wesley Hall
OpenOversight ID 43496
Unique Internal Identifier 395713459087705
Department Richmond Police Department
Race White
Gender Male
Birth Year (Age) Data Missing
First Employment Date 2020-12-07
Number of known incidents 1
Currently on the force Yes
Tags Shooting, White, Male, Richmond Police, Has Killed

Assignment History

Department Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Richmond Police Department Police Officer None Unknown 2020-12-07
Richmond Police Department Police Officer None 1st Precinct 2010-12-20
Richmond Police Department Police Officer 1st Precinct 2010-12-20
Richmond Police Department Not Sure 4th Precinct Unknown


Annual Salary Overtime & Other Pay Total Pay Year
$74,983.00 2024


Incident Shooting of Kenneth Sharp

Date Mar 31, 2024
Time 04:58 AM
Report # Shooting of Kenneth Sharp
Department Richmond Police Department
Officers Todd Wesley Hall

Police responded to a call on the 1900 block of Cedar St. for "a disturbance with an armed person" by shooting and killing 20-year-old Kenneth Sharp, who had been asleep in his car prior to the attack by police. The perpetrator was Todd Wesley Hall, a white officer. He was not criminally charged.

Address 1900-BLK Cedar Street
Richmond, VA


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