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More incidents in the Henrico County Sheriff's Office

Incident Deputies-Kill-Irvo-Otieno

Date Mar 06, 2023
Time 04:30 PM
Report # Deputies-Kill-Irvo-Otieno
Department Henrico County Sheriff's Office
Officers Randy Joseph Boyer , Dwayne Alan Bramble , Jermaine Lavar Branch , Bradley Thomas Disse , Tabitha Renee Levere , Brandon Edwards Rodgers , Kaiyell Dajour Sanders , William Joseph (Bill) Nagle
Address Central State Hospital, Washington Street
Dinwiddie County, VA
Tags Jails  | Central Virginia  | Sheriffs  | Henrico County  | Police Shootings  | Police Shootings in 2023  | Bodycam Video  | Irvo Otieno  | Henrico County Sheriff's Office  | Officer(s) Criminally Charged  | Central State Hospital  | Dinwiddie County  | Killing  | Nagle  |

Incident Description

"The deputies are accused of collectively killing Irvo N. Otieno, 28, by essentially smothering the 6-foot 2-inch, 270-pound man as they attempted to restrain him during the admission process at Central State Hospital."

