General Information

Name Duane Peppel
OpenOversight ID 43700
Unique Internal Identifier peppel-duane
Department Richmond Police Department
Race Asian
Gender Male
Birth Year (Age) Data Missing
First Employment Date 2017-06-06
Number of known incidents 2
Currently on the force Not currently employed

Assignment History

Department Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Richmond Police Department Police Officer Not Sure Unknown 2024-01-01


Incident Schmidt-v-City-of-Richmond

Date May 30, 2022
Time 09:00 AM
Report # Schmidt-v-City-of-Richmond
Department Richmond Police Department
Officers Jon Wills Bridges , Thomas ("tommy") Lloyd , Jakob Michelle Torres , Brenda Milena Ruiz , Benjamin James Frazer , Patrick Joseph Digirolamo , Junius Oneal Thorpe , Nico Savon Young , Christopher M. Gleason , Frank Scarpa , Kathryn Leone , Duane Peppel , Khalid Harris , Benjamin Charlkeith Malone , Keegan Thomas Mills , Dario Buraliev , Dominic Joseph Colombo , Daniel Joseph Bondy , Tyler Rhys Craig , Jason Kuti , Steven Rawlings

"A. The City of Richmond Police Department (“RPD”) agrees to memorialize a First Amendment policy in a General Order and will seek input from Plaintiffs, through counsel, with the ultimate policy being approved through RPD’s normal chain of command, and implement training once approved.

B. RPD will review its General Orders to determine which, if any, may be published on its website, in a fashion similar to Fairfax County, Virginia’s police department.

C. RPD will provide a status update to Plaintiffs’ counsel ninety (90) days from the date of this execution of this Release and Settlement Agreement, and on a continuing basis thereafter until all policies have been reviewed."

Address Richmond, VA

Incident GwarBar-Raid

Date Aug 20, 2020
Time 10:11 PM
Report # GwarBar-Raid
Department Richmond Police Department
Officers Dario Buraliev , Christopher M. Gleason , Duane Peppel , Brenda Milena Ruiz , Tyler Rhys Craig , Kathryn Leone
Address 217 W Clay Street
Richmond, VA