Officer Detail: Christopher M. Gleason
General Information
Name | Christopher M. Gleason |
OpenOversight ID | 43471 |
Unique Internal Identifier | gleason-christopher |
Department | Virginia Division of Capitol Police |
Race | White |
Gender | Male |
Birth Year (Age) | 1960 (~65 y/o) |
First Employment Date | 1998-11-02 |
Number of known incidents | 4 |
Currently on the force | Yes |
Assignment History
Department | Job Title | Badge No. | Unit | Start Date | End Date | |
Virginia Division of Capitol Police | Major | Administration | 2023-12-01 | |||
Richmond Police Department | Police Captain | Special Investigations | 2015-01-01 | 2024-01-01 | ||
Richmond Police Department | Lieutenant | 4th Precinct | 2012-01-01 | 2024-01-01 | ||
Richmond Police Department | Sergeant | Special Operations | 2005-01-01 | 2024-01-01 | ||
Richmond Police Department | Officer | Crowd Management Team | 1998-11-02 | 2024-01-01 |
Annual Salary | Overtime & Other Pay | Total Pay | Year |
$83,255.00 | 2022 |
Incident Schmidt-v-City-of-Richmond |
Date | May 30, 2022 |
Time | 09:00 AM |
Report # | Schmidt-v-City-of-Richmond |
Department | Richmond Police Department |
Officers | Jon Wills Bridges , Thomas ("tommy") Lloyd , Jakob Michelle Torres , Brenda Milena Ruiz , Benjamin James Frazer , Patrick Joseph Digirolamo , Junius Oneal Thorpe , Nico Savon Young , Christopher M. Gleason , Frank Scarpa , Kathryn Leone , Duane Peppel , Khalid Harris , Benjamin Charlkeith Malone , Keegan Thomas Mills , Dario Buraliev , Dominic Joseph Colombo , Daniel Joseph Bondy , Tyler Rhys Craig , Jason Kuti , Steven Rawlings |
Description | "A. The City of Richmond Police Department (“RPD”) agrees to memorialize a First Amendment policy in a General Order and will seek input from Plaintiffs, through counsel, with the ultimate policy being approved through RPD’s normal chain of command, and implement training once approved. B. RPD will review its General Orders to determine which, if any, may be published on its website, in a fashion similar to Fairfax County, Virginia’s police department. C. RPD will provide a status update to Plaintiffs’ counsel ninety (90) days from the date of this execution of this Release and Settlement Agreement, and on a continuing basis thereafter until all policies have been reviewed." |
Address | Richmond, VA |
Incident GwarBar-Raid |
Date | Aug 20, 2020 |
Time | 10:11 PM |
Report # | GwarBar-Raid |
Department | Richmond Police Department |
Officers | Dario Buraliev , Christopher M. Gleason , Duane Peppel , Brenda Milena Ruiz , Tyler Rhys Craig , Kathryn Leone |
Description | |
Address |
217 W Clay Street
Richmond, VA |
Incident Gas-Attack-Police-Riot-0612020 |
Date | Jun 01, 2020 |
Time | 06:00 PM |
Report # | Gas-Attack-Police-Riot-0612020 |
Department | Richmond Police Department |
Officers | Kevin Knudsen , Samuel Sungwon Yoon , Robert Misegades , John Barkley , Anthony Tyler Farnsworth , Anthony Catoggio , Albert Jon Korngage , Akeem Jones , Benjamin Neifeld , Brady Mcwhirter , Brian Corrigan , Brian Robinson , Brian Rogers , Brian Prendergast , Brandy Lamont Thornton , Christopher Jerrone Brown , Christopher Saunders , Cleophas Alexander Williams , Christopher M. Gleason , Christian James , Cody George Adams , Christopher Snyder , David Alexander Marakovitz , Dave Tamillia Conyers , Dominic Joseph Colombo , Douglas Rene Gutierrez , Derajon Clifton Chavis , Dario Buraliev , David Edward Stone , Edward Charles Costley , Ernest Christopher Ford , Fred Bates , Harry William Fitzpatrick , Jakob Michelle Torres , Jason Emmanuel Hudson , Jason Brandon Pittman , Jason Patrick Pritchard , Jason William Smith , Jessica Spence , John Matthew Story , Jonathan Myers , Junius Oneal Thorpe , Justin Land , Jean Joel Assad , Jason Kuti , Jason Reese , Jean-Guy Legouffe , Levi Manns Iv , Mark Thomas Janowski , Marshall Young , Matthew Robinson , Michael Walter Kiniry , Michael Musselwhite , Michael Lamont Verbena , Matthew Mchugh , Matthew Lewis Pollack , Oscar Reyes , Richard Carter Redford , Robert Daniel Jamison , Robert Taylor , Russell Pearce , Ryan Novak , Ryan Legros , Seth Walker Layton , Stephen William Pishock , Sean David Arthur Alston , Steven Durham , Timothy Lenae Burgess , Trishonda Chasteen , Benito Emmanuel Frias , Wayne Thomas Hartley , William Linard Travers |
Description | Richmond Police officers attack a crowd of everyday citizens protesting the police killing of George Floyd with chemical weapons and physical violence. Two years later, a federal court ordered the Richmond Police Department to correct the record with an admission that it had lied about the circumstances of the attack (it did so with a tweet). While multiple lawsuits, complaints, and inquiries emerged from the terror of that day, no officer was fired as a result of their conduct on June 1, 2020. |
Address |
1700 Monument Avenue
near N. Allen Avenue
Richmond, VA |
Incident Reinstatement-Appeals-July-2019 |
Date | Jul 25, 2019 |
Time | 10:00 AM |
Report # | Reinstatement-Appeals-July-2019 |
Department | Decertified, Dismissed, & Wandering Ex-Police |
Officers | Daryl C. Goldsmith Ii , Christopher M. Gleason , Rufus A. Wilkins , Sean A. Bujno |
Description | Daryl C. Goldsmith II (Richmond Police Department) and Sean Andrew Bujno (Norfolk Police Department) appealed to the Executive Committee for reinstatement. The Committee did not reinstate either former officer. "Mr. Goldsmith presented a witness, Sergeant Wilkins. Captain Chris Gleason, Richmond Police, Disciplinarian Review Office, and Antoinette Tull, Human Resources Division Chief, Richmond Police, were present and testified. After questioning, Colonel Settle made a motion, seconded by Sheriff Crawford, to sustain decertification. The motion passed on a 4-1 vote with Chief Branch in opposition." |
Address |
1100 Bank Street
Richmond, VA |