
    Incident Frazer-Assaults-Legal-Observer

    Date Jun 26, 2020
    Time 10:00 PM
    Report # Frazer-Assaults-Legal-Observer
    Department Richmond Police Department
    Officers Benjamin James Frazer

    Benjamin Frazer and others assault, tie up legal observer Charlie Schmidt when he attempts to take their photo.

    "Schmidt drove away from Lee Circle via Monument Avenue, then proceeded west on to Broad Street, eventually ending up at the corner of Hermitage Road and West Leigh Street.

    It was there that Schmidt noticed several Richmond Police cars inside the recently renovated Saur's shopping business center. He turned right on Hermitage, then turned right again into the back entrance to the parking lot, parking in the back north/west corner.

    A large faction of Richmond Police was in the front of the parking lot, closer to Whole Foods and Broad Street.

    Schmidt estimates that 45-50 Richmond Police officers were present and upon information and belief, the area was being used by them as

    staging for some other action offsite or event.

    Schmidt sat in his car observing from a distance of several dozen yards for a few minutes when an unknown Richmond Police officer crossed the entire length of the Whole Foods Parking to the separate Rear Parking Lot where Schmidt was parked. He asked Schmidt if he was

    okay, to which Schmidt responded yes. The officer walked back to his police car in the Whole Foods Parking Lot.

    A second officer, Benjamin Frazer (“Frazer”), approached Schmidt’s car with the same question, to which Schmidt again responded “'yes, I'm fine.'

    Frazer then advised Schmidt that he needed to leave the Rear Parking Lot because Richmond Police had been asked to enforce security for a private business Whole Foods, which was not true.

    Schmidt questioned Frazer’s authority to enforce such an order, given that the Rear Parking Lot appeared to be public space and another car was parked in the same lot. There were no “No Parking” or “No Trespass” signs in the Rear Parking Lot nor were there any signs indicating the Rear Parking Lot was closed at night.

    Schmidt asked Frazer if anyone could verify that the Rear Parking Lot was closed or that he was legally required to leave the premises.

    In response to Schmidt’s questioning the authority of Richmond Police to demand he leave the Rear Parking Lot; Frazer unnecessarily escalated the situation.

    Despite Schmidt identifying himself as an attorney and trained legal observer, Frazer again demanded that Schmidt leave because (he described) Richmond Police Department had had people 'doxing' them and causing 'problems.'

    By this point, Schmidt’s car was surrounded by approximately 6-8 Richmond Police officers; one in front of his car and several others behind and on either side. Schmidt was unable to leave the Rear Parking Lot as his car was surrounded by officers.

    Schmidt then asked Frazer his name, who refused, in violation of Richmond Police Department's own policy. Frazer merely repeated that Schmidt needed to leave.

    Schmidt asked a second officer standing nearby for his name and was told 'I'm not allowed to give out that information,' again in violation of Department policy. Schmidt advised that he needed someone's name in order to follow up with Richmond Police. None of the officers would identify themselves.

    Schmidt then advised Frazer and the other Richmond Police officers that he would leave and put his car into 'drive.' As he was leaving, Schmidt reached for his smart phone, held it up for the officers to see, and advised he was going to snap a quick picture of the scene before he left.

    Frazer's knee-jerk reaction to Schmidt's attempt take a picture was to reach through Schmidt's window while he was driving. Frazer advised Schmidt that he was under arrest and that he needed to get out of the car. Frazer and another RPD officer opened Schmidt's car door to forcibly yank him from his car. Schmidt advised that his car was in 'drive' and that he needed to put it in 'park.'

    By this point, several Richmond Police officers were unnecessarily screaming at Schmidt. Frazer advised Schmidt that was he going to jail and began to process him for arrest.

    Richmond Police officers thereafter zip-tied Schmidt's hands incredibly tight and detained him while Frazer began to write up the paperwork.

    Schmidt again calmly advised the unknown Richmond Police officers that he was a lawyer and there were no grounds to arrest him, quoting the applicable Virginia code sections on criminal procedure (Virginia Code § 19.2-74), which states essentially that an officer shall release someone accused of a misdemeanor on summons, rather than arrest, unless the officer can determine that person is a flight risk, danger to themselves or others, or will not stop doing the offending action.

    A few minutes later, a higher-ranking Richmond Police officer, or unknown

    Supervisor Doe, drove over to where Schmidt was being detained and spoke with Frazer. After this, Frazer turned on his body-worn camera. Frazer then begrudgingly advised Schmidt he would be released on summons and Schmidt was given a ticket.

    Frazer did not have probable cause to arrest Schmidt or issue him a citation, and instead it was a pretext employed by Richmond Police to harass and intimidate in retaliation for Schmidt’s attempt to take a picture of the scene.

    The zip-ties, now removed, left painful marks on Schmidt’s wrists where they had been placed by the officers.

    Because his signature was illegible on the summons, Schmidt asked Frazer to clarify his name. Frazer said his name for the first time and walked away in a gruff manner. As he walked away, Frazer stated to other officers present that he was 'definitely getting sued for this.'"

    Frazer did, indeed, get sued for this. Excerpt from Schmidt v City of Richmond et al, Case 3:22-cv-00404, Amended Complaint, Document #139.

    Address 2000 block West Broad Street
    Richmond, VA

    Incident Misc-Gas-Attacks-at-MDPC

    Date Jun 26, 2020
    Time 08:30 PM
    Report # Misc-Gas-Attacks-at-MDPC
    Department Richmond Police Department
    Address 1700 Monument Avenue near North Allen Avenue
    Richmond, VA

    Incident VSPN-v-City-of-Richmond-et-al

    Date Jun 26, 2020
    Time 12:00 PM
    Report # VSPN-v-City-of-Richmond-et-al
    Department Richmond Police Department
    Officers Gary T. Settle

    A lawsuit was filed against the Richmond Police then-Chief and the Virginia State Police Superintendent for its treatment of racial justice protesters during the summer of 2020.

    Address Richmond, VA

    Incident Rasheed-Moorman

    Date Jun 25, 2020
    Time 12:00 PM
    Report # Rasheed-Moorman
    Department Roanoke City Police
    Officers Nathanael Hansen Stanger

    Nathanael Stanger, a Roanoke Police officer, shot and killed Rasheed Moorman at Ashton Heights Apartments.

    Address Dona Drive
    Roanoke, VA

    Incident MDPC-Raid-6-24

    Date Jun 24, 2020
    Time 09:15 PM
    Report # MDPC-Raid-6-24
    Department Richmond Police Department

    Richmond Police, Virginia State Police, and the National Guard wreak havoc and terror.

    Address 1700 Monument Avenue near North Allen Avenue
    Richmond, VA

    Incident MDPC-raid-gas

    Date Jun 24, 2020
    Time 01:15 AM
    Report # MDPC-raid-gas
    Department Virginia State Police (VSP)
    Address 1700 Monument Avenue near N. Allen Avenue
    Richmond, VA

    Incident Reclamation-Square-Raid

    Date Jun 22, 2020
    Time 10:00 PM
    Report # Reclamation-Square-Raid
    Department Richmond Police Department
    Officers Benjamin James Frazer , Anthony Joseph Bradt Jr

    Richmond Police and Virginia State Police block off, enter, brutalize, and deploy chemical weapons on protesters peacefully attending a teach-in at City Hall.

    Officers also physically assaulted several individuals, confiscated belongings, used weapons in a dangerous/potentially life-threatening manner, and threatened reporters attempting to video their activity.

    Address 900 E Broad Street
    Richmond, VA

    Incident MDPC-Raid-6-22

    Date Jun 22, 2020
    Time 03:00 AM
    Report # MDPC-Raid-6-22
    Department Richmond Police Department

    Police stormed Marcus David-Peters Circle where less than 30 people lay relaxing playing music, talking among one another, or playing board games. They unleashed tear gas, upended free food distribution stations, confiscated books from the little free library, and stole the trash cans donated to the site.

    Address 1700 Monument Avenue near N. Allen Avenue
    Richmond, VA

    Incident MDPC-Raid-6-21

    Date Jun 21, 2020
    Time 11:00 PM
    Report # MDPC-Raid-6-21
    Department Richmond Police Department
    Address 1700 Monument Avenue near N. Allen Avenue
    Richmond, VA

    Incident Attack-on-CT-Reporter

    Date Jun 21, 2020
    Time 08:15 PM
    Report # Attack-on-CT-Reporter
    Department Richmond Police Department
    Address 620 block West Main Street
    Richmond, VA

    Incident Police-Riot-6-15

    Date Jun 15, 2020
    Time 09:00 PM
    Report # Police-Riot-6-15
    Department Richmond Police Department
    Officers Brenda Milena Ruiz , William Brereton , Akeem Jones , Jon Wills Bridges , Kelly Morley

    See video.

    Address 200 West Grace Street
    Richmond, VA

    Incident Police-Riot-6-14

    Date Jun 14, 2020
    Time 10:00 PM
    Report # Police-Riot-6-14
    Department Richmond Police Department
    Officers Jon Wills Bridges , Kelly Morley , Akeem Jones , Brenda Milena Ruiz

    See video.

    Address 200 West Grace Street
    Richmond, VA

    Incident RPD-Attacks-Journalist

    Date Jun 12, 2020
    Time 08:00 PM
    Report # RPD-Attacks-Journalist
    Department Richmond Police Department

    Richmond Police attempt to drag a reporter out of her vehicle.

    Address 620 block West Main Street
    Richmond, VA

    Incident PROTEST-portsmouth-01

    Date Jun 11, 2020
    Time 11:38 PM
    Report # PROTEST-portsmouth-01
    Department Portsmouth Police
    Officers Kevin Mcgee

    Sergeant Kevin McGee sparked a series of controversial events by authoring a heated letter about events at a 2020 monument protest the day earlier, slamming politicians and protesters alike. He sent the letter to the mayor, the then-chief, and others at 11:38 PM in the evening.

    Address Portsmouth, VA

    Incident Timberlake-Charged

    Date Jun 06, 2020
    Report # Timberlake-Charged
    Department Fairfax County Police
    Officers Tyler Ryan Timberlake

    Fairfax County Officer Tyler Timberlake was arrested June 6 and charged with three counts of assault and battery against Lamonta Gladney. In 2022, Timberlake was not found guilty.

    Address Fairfax County Judicial Center
    Fairfax County, VA

    Incident Excessive-Force-Against-Gladney

    Date Jun 05, 2020
    Time 01:19 PM
    Report # Excessive-Force-Against-Gladney
    Department Fairfax County Police
    Officers Tyler Ryan Timberlake

    "Fairfax County Officer Tyler Timberlake was arrested June 6.. [B]odycam shows him striking Lamonta Gladney man with a stun gun and then getting on top of him. Once Timberlake is on top of the man, he presses the stun gun into the back of his neck and fires again.

    ...As part of the investigation into the incident, the other three officers involved were placed on administrative leave. The man was treated at a hospital and released, the chief said."

    Address Fordson Road
    Fairfax County, VA

    Incident Spits-On-Protester

    Date Jun 04, 2020
    Time 10:00 AM
    Report # Spits-On-Protester
    Department Richmond Police Department
    Address 1700 Monument Avenue near N. Allen Avenue
    Richmond, VA

    Incident Gas-Attack-Police-Riot-0612020

    Date Jun 01, 2020
    Time 06:00 PM
    Report # Gas-Attack-Police-Riot-0612020
    Department Richmond Police Department
    Officers Kevin Knudsen , Samuel Sungwon Yoon , Robert Misegades , John Barkley , Anthony Tyler Farnsworth , Anthony Catoggio , Albert Jon Korngage , Akeem Jones , Benjamin Neifeld , Brady Mcwhirter , Brian Corrigan , Brian Robinson , Brian Rogers , Brian Prendergast , Brandy Lamont Thornton , Christopher Jerrone Brown , Christopher Saunders , Cleophas Alexander Williams , Christopher M. Gleason , Christian James , Cody George Adams , Christopher Snyder , David Alexander Marakovitz , Dave Tamillia Conyers , Dominic Joseph Colombo , Douglas Rene Gutierrez , Derajon Clifton Chavis , Dario Buraliev , David Edward Stone , Edward Charles Costley , Ernest Christopher Ford , Fred Bates , Harry William Fitzpatrick , Jakob Michelle Torres , Jason Emmanuel Hudson , Jason Brandon Pittman , Jason Patrick Pritchard , Jason William Smith , Jessica Spence , John Matthew Story , Jonathan Myers , Junius Oneal Thorpe , Justin Land , Jean Joel Assad , Jason Kuti , Jason Reese , Jean-Guy Legouffe , Levi Manns Iv , Mark Thomas Janowski , Marshall Young , Matthew Robinson , Michael Walter Kiniry , Michael Musselwhite , Michael Lamont Verbena , Matthew Mchugh , Matthew Lewis Pollack , Oscar Reyes , Richard Carter Redford , Robert Daniel Jamison , Robert Taylor , Russell Pearce , Ryan Novak , Ryan Legros , Seth Walker Layton , Stephen William Pishock , Sean David Arthur Alston , Steven Durham , Timothy Lenae Burgess , Trishonda Chasteen , Benito Emmanuel Frias , Wayne Thomas Hartley , William Linard Travers

    Richmond Police officers attack a crowd of everyday citizens protesting the police killing of George Floyd with chemical weapons and physical violence. Two years later, a federal court ordered the Richmond Police Department to correct the record with an admission that it had lied about the circumstances of the attack (it did so with a tweet). While multiple lawsuits, complaints, and inquiries emerged from the terror of that day, no officer was fired as a result of their conduct on June 1, 2020.

    Address 1700 Monument Avenue near N. Allen Avenue
    Richmond, VA

    Incident IAD-2020-0038

    Date May 31, 2020
    Time 09:12 PM
    Report # IAD-2020-0038
    Department Richmond Police Department
    Officers Seth Walker Layton , Cleophas Alexander Williams

    In the summer of 2020, Layton, along with Officers Nicholas Caesar and Cleophas Williams, was named in an Internal Affairs complaint (I.A.D. 2020-0038) alleging abuse of chemical weapons and the use of excessive force on two individuals, one a journalist, during a police attack on a protest in early June.

    Address 1000 block East Marshall Street
    Richmond, VA

    Incident FPD-Protest-Gas-Attack

    Date May 31, 2020
    Time 08:37 PM
    Report # FPD-Protest-Gas-Attack
    Department Fredericksburg Police

    At a protest during the George Floyd Uprising of 2020, Fredericksburg Police used tear gas two minutes after declaring the event an unlawful assembly.

    Although the police themselves in an internal investigation ruled their actions were justified, an independent review by the Police Executive Research Forum determined the officers were too quick and too aggressive in deploying gas on the crowd.

    Body camera footage revealed during the investigation also showed FPD officers patrolling the streets and engaging in "crowd control" tactics against protesters while carrying large patrol rifles, which is prohibited by department policy.

    Several individuals sued the City of Fredericksburg for FPD's actions.

    Address Fredericksburg, VA