General Information

Name Tyler Ryan Timberlake
OpenOversight ID 53745
Unique Internal Identifier Timberlake-Tyler-Ryan
Department Fairfax County Police
Race White
Gender Male
Birth Year (Age) 1972 (~53 y/o)
First Employment Date 2012-01-01
Number of known incidents 4
Currently on the force Yes

Assignment History

Department Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Fairfax County Police Not Sure Status Unknown Administrative Leave 2020-06-06
Fairfax County Police Police Officer II None 2012-04-09
Fairfax County Police Officer Mount Vernon District 2012-01-01


Incident Wandering-Officers-2023

Date Feb 25, 2023
Report # Wandering-Officers-2023
Department Decertified, Dismissed, & Wandering Ex-Police
Officers Joseph A. Wood , Matthew S. Riley , Robbie Oberholzer , Patrick Joseph Digirolamo , Tyler Ryan Timberlake , Seth Walker Layton , Christopher R. Paroskie , Christopher Shane Simpkins , Michael Neal Santare , Jacob Stratton , Drake Edward Judy , Edward J. Ryan , Kenneth N. Werts , Paul L. Brothers Iv , Polly F. Griffin , Rodney D. Whited Ii

This entry serves to consolidate records on officers who have gained new employment recently (at either a different department or once again at an old department) after resigning or being dismissed amid a controversial incident, lawsuit, or highly public incident of misconduct while in their previous role.

Address Everywhere, VA

Incident Gladney-v-Timberlake

Date Mar 08, 2021
Report # Gladney-v-Timberlake
Department Fairfax County Police
Officers Tyler Ryan Timberlake

On March 8, 2021, Lamonta Gladney field a civil rights lawsuit against Tyler Timberlake and Kyle M. Schaefer.

As Gladney's lawyer alleged, he "suffered serious physical injury caused by Timberlake’s unlawful taser attack. Additionally, Gladney suffered and continues to suffer mental anguish, humiliation, and psychological pain...

The Defendant’s misconduct, done under the color of state law, as described below, was recklessly and deliberately indifferent to the life, safety, bodily integrity, well-being, liberty, and civil rights of Lamonta Gladney.”

Gladney presented three claims for relief. The first claim alleged deprivation of civil rights and violation of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments; the second with police brutality and excessive force; and the third with false arrest.

The case concluded in June 2022. Officer Timberlake and Fairfax County admitted no wrongdoing, but they agreed to pay Gladney a $150,000 settlement.

Address U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
Fairfax County, VA

Incident Timberlake-Charged

Date Jun 06, 2020
Report # Timberlake-Charged
Department Fairfax County Police
Officers Tyler Ryan Timberlake

Fairfax County Officer Tyler Timberlake was arrested June 6 and charged with three counts of assault and battery against Lamonta Gladney. In 2022, Timberlake was not found guilty.

Address Fairfax County Judicial Center
Fairfax County, VA

Incident Excessive-Force-Against-Gladney

Date Jun 05, 2020
Time 01:19 PM
Report # Excessive-Force-Against-Gladney
Department Fairfax County Police
Officers Tyler Ryan Timberlake

"Fairfax County Officer Tyler Timberlake was arrested June 6.. [B]odycam shows him striking Lamonta Gladney man with a stun gun and then getting on top of him. Once Timberlake is on top of the man, he presses the stun gun into the back of his neck and fires again.

...As part of the investigation into the incident, the other three officers involved were placed on administrative leave. The man was treated at a hospital and released, the chief said."

Address Fordson Road
Fairfax County, VA



  • Body Camera Footage, 6/05/2020
    Edit Delete
    Fairfax County Police Department (via PoliceActivity on Youtube)